in4m 10pc02



Website Design
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Sell, Tell, or Interact?


NetObjects Fusion 8 

Web sites are designed to Sell things, or to Inform, or to encourage Interaction. They’re often designed to do all three.

But - What do YOU want from your web site - and how can you ensure that it’s going to be effective in achieving this?

And - how much are you willing to spend to develop the perfect web site? Larger companies budget six-figure sums annually just in maintaining their web sites - but this is unlikely to be appropriate to your needs.

You may already have a good idea what you want your web site to look like and to do (perhaps you’ve looked at a few competitor web sites?) - but you need a partner to discuss these ideas with and to make sure they’re going to work - and then to develop these ideas into something that really works for you.

Using an simple stepwise consultative process, in4m works with you to develop the ideas - first via mockups into a working prototype - and then into the real thing. The process is completed to agreed deadlines and costs. In this way we can guarantee to deliver the web site that YOU want for as little as £200 - and this can also include the first year of hosting, should you want this.

Of course, we can also do much more for you.

For the £200 starter package, you’ll get a custom-designed web site of four pages of text and pictures - and this may be all that you need. But additional pages cost just £40 per page, or £40 per hour for copy editing and the development of more complex elements. These may include custom forms for feedback or data collection, animations, dynamic linking to databases, shopping cart functionality, image editing and manipulation - and so on.

If you’ve seen it somewhere, then we can almost certainly add the functionality to your web site - but we won’t charge you six figure sums unless you’ve agreed to this beforehand!




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